11 week old chick swallowed hair tie

Chickens can swallow all sorts of weird things and be just fine, so don't worry too much! Is she acting normal?
She seemed fine, I didn't get to observe too much because this happened right before they went to bed and theyre sleeping now but she seemed pretty okay. I've just never seen them do that and I'm afraid it'll be stuck or something! 🥺
She seemed fine, I didn't get to observe too much because this happened right before they went to bed and theyre sleeping now but she seemed pretty okay. I've just never seen them do that and I'm afraid it'll be stuck or something! 🥺
As long as she’s acting right she should be fine. Chickens can swallow whole mice and not show any adverse signs. Just watch her, and check that her crop’s empty in the morning. The only thing I would be worried about would be the hair tie obstructing her crop. But if it’s empty in the morning, she should be good to go!
As long as she’s acting right she should be fine. Chickens can swallow whole mice and not show any adverse signs. Just watch her, and check that her crop’s empty in the morning. The only thing I would be worried about would be the hair tie obstructing her crop. But if it’s empty in the morning, she should be good to go!
Thank you!!

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