I got 2 EE (sold as Ameracauna) pullets, but one quickly showed himself to be a cockerel and was even crowing at 5 weeks. This one looks and acts totally different, and I've been sure she's a pullet for the whole 11 weeks. Today I'm 2nd guessing. I just noticed that her black tail feathers have a green sheen to them (no idea if this means anything, which is why I'm asking
). Her feathers are all very fatly rounded, but the black coloring in the center of each golden feather is sharply pointed, so they may look like pointed feathers in the pics, but they're definitely not. Anyway, please help me confirm gender on this one. I have to limit my flock size, can't keep a rooster, and really, really, really am looking forward to a new color in the egg basket! Thanks in advance for any help!