12 + 2 French Black Copper Marans eggs NPIP KY Jeane/Grisham Auction


10 Years
May 11, 2009
South Central, Kentucky
This is an Auction Formated Listing - Please do not PM to bid! - Place your bid in a reply.

Bidding will start at: $10.00
Additional bids will be in increasing $.50

Shipping will be via USPS Priority box at a cost of 15.00

Auction ends at 9:00 pm EST on 6/1/12

Please place your bid as a reply to this classified (do not PM to bid!).
Subscribe to this classified auction using the immediate notification setting when you bid so that you can stay informed!

My French Black Copper Marans are from Wade Jeane and Channing Girsham lines. My Marans do get full atvantage of FREE RANGE and I am NPIP Certified.

I have 22 hens and 5 roosters, so the fertility rate it high.

I always ship fresh eggs. I will never ship anyone eggs that are over 2 days old.

Please ask any questions, I will do my best to answer them quickly.

I also have some chicks available, if you would rather buy chicks. Please PM me for availability. I also may have chicks that are 2-3 weeks old.

As like all breeders and i'm still improving my line every year. But I can't be responsible for your hatch rate. Although if you have less than a 50% hatch rate, please contact me and maybe we can work something out. I do have about a 98% hatch rate here. Happy Hatching! Have a Blessed Day!

The feathers are not on the front of his leg, they are on the side and the wind was blowing them, making it look as if they are on the front.
My birds have originated from the Jeane Wade and Channing Grisham lines...
We are NPIP Please visit my website for more pictures


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I'm so sorry the starting price should have not been including the shipping. But I will reduce the shipping price to 10.00.... So Sorry. I completly understand if you want to cancel your bid.

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