12+ Blue Double-lace Barnevelder project hatching eggs


Stares at Chickens
10 Years
May 6, 2009
Northern California
My Coop
My Coop
12+ Blue double laced Barnevelder project eggs. Very rare color of Barnevelder! These eggs are by a Blue project roo (75% Barnevelder/ 25% BLR Wyandotte) over 87% Barnevelder 4th generation blue pullets. The resulting chicks will hatch out 25% Black, 50% Blue and 25% splash and will be 5th generation.These birds are not imported. This is my own project that I've been working with since 2009 and have made much progress in color, lacing, type and egg color. But because I am very critical of my birds, I still consider my "Blues" a project line and further selection and breeding will be needed to continue improving the line towards Breed Standards. The Blue x Blue cross will give a higher 75% chance of chicks carrying at least one copy of the blue gene, but egg color and lacing may need a little more work with this cross.

I will try to post more pictures soon. The 4 pictures are of eggs from the blue pullets, one of this year's pullets and 2 blue cockerels (brothers to the blue pullets).
See "my chicken/coop page" for more info and pics here:
and more about my blue project here:

I do not guarantee hatching due to issues regarding shipping or incubation. I do my best to provide the best quality eggs possible and pack with great care. Eggs will be wrapped in tissue or paper towels and bubble wrapped individually. The eggs are then wrapped in more bubble wrap and surrounded with packing peanuts. I have had good success shipping eggs from CA to Maine, Florida and other states. I am not NPIP at this time, but have a closed flock (no trades, shows, no new stock except via hatching eggs) with no known illnesses in my flock. Fertility is near 100% and hatch rates have been good even with shipped eggs.

These eggs will be available to start shipping the first week in November. If you are interested PM me and I will add you to the list.

Shipping will be via USPS PRIORITY at a cost of <$15> unless buyer is willing to pay more for express.
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