12+ Eggs from my Lavender Australorp Project Birds

Elite Silkies

10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I have a Lavender Orp Rooster over Black Australorp hens. These are NON hatchery birds. Nice quality birds. My Lav Orp is from Hinkjc's line.

Have you ever hatched any eggs from your Lavender Australorp project birds?
If you have, How was the fertility?

He sure is a pretty roo. What kind of results can one expect from the hatchlings? Do you just get blacks that carry the Lavender gene?
Yes, they will be black carrying the Lavender Gene. It would be best if you had a couple of Aussies to work on the project with, since the type will have to be worked on as well.

Not sure what the type will be on the offspring. He is really pretty in person. He turned out much nicer than I expected. He did take a long time to mature, but he turned out really nice. He is a very sweet boy too.
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Yes, they will be black carrying the Lavender Gene. It would be best if you had a couple of Aussies to work on the project with, since the type will have to be worked on as well.

Not sure what the type will be on the offspring. He is really pretty in person. He turned out much nicer than I expected. He did take a long time to mature, but he turned out really nice. He is a very sweet boy too.

I have several BA hens. I had 3 roos this spring. The oldest BA roo was beautiful but really mean. The other two never developed well and were hard on the girls. Decided I really didn't need to breed BA just keep the good layers.
Yes, they will be black carrying the Lavender Gene. It would be best if you had a couple of Aussies to work on the project with, since the type will have to be worked on as well.

Not sure what the type will be on the offspring. He is really pretty in person. He turned out much nicer than I expected. He did take a long time to mature, but he turned out really nice. He is a very sweet boy too.

I have several BA hens. I had 3 roos this spring. The oldest BA roo was beautiful but really mean. The other two never developed well and were hard on the girls. Decided I really didn't need to breed BA just keep the good layers.

I had 4 BA Roo's and none of them were ever mean. They didn't let you cuddle them, but never offered to flog or anything. But, I think there are always mean ones, no matter what the breed is.

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