12+ Exhibition Line New Hampshire Eggs


14 Years
Aug 29, 2009
Alachua County FL
12+ (14-15) eggs. These will ship out Tuesday January 10 upon receipt of paypal.

Shipping west of the Mississippi is 20.00. This is close to actual postage as I double box and pad extremely well.
I just sent 15 eggs from Florida to Nebraska and the recipient reports ALL are developing.

These are from the imported German line and are absolutely stunning in color and form.
I have two pens set up with two separate cock birds and the eggs will come from both pens.


Shipping and hatch not guaranteed, but I will do my best to ensure you have a good hatch!
WOW!!!!!!!! Good thing I don't have any more room for chickens or I would be bidding on these also.
I just received my eggs 1/5/12 that I won on last auction from these birds. I will say that this little lady knows her stuff about packing eggs. lol I don't think you will receive any cracked or broken eggs. Also, there are no pinkish brown eggs from these girls. These look like the old style brown eggs of years ago that I remember. Other than my RIR's, I haven't seen a brown egg from my chickens except the dark dark ones from the Marans. I am so looking forward to having some of these pop out of the eggs in a few weeks and have them running around my place. Very nice birds Luanne and who ever else had a part of bringing these to us. The folks at BYC rock.
Yep... I am definitely going to have to get a username that my DH can't recognize if I want some of these beautiful birds!
I can not believe this is going for 200 dollars!!! holy cats! no guarantee you'd even get birds!!! i'm just gonna say WOW! those ARE some beautiful birds?? how much would you sell an adult pair for? JW

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