12 hour old chick cant stand


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 3, 2013
just hatched a group of chicks. the last one wasn't zipping was just making a bigger whole. so after 24 hours I zipped for him. I let him push the shell off tho. but now 12 hours later he still cant stand. stays on his back or flipps to this side trying to stand. I found him stuck to the bottom of the incubator a minute ago. I used warm water to get him loose. he seems to have plenty of energy and is chirping. what do I to help. I don't want to move him to the brooder afraid he will get injured.
Sometimes those that don't zip or can't zip for what ever reason get really tired and weak. You could try Save-A-Chick electrolytes it usually comes in a three packet you mix one packet per gallon I think (it's been a while since i bought it but read the back it tells you the amount of water) This usually helps give them a boost they need. Not sure how familiar you are with new chicks but you must keep the chick from being able to drown so I'd mix the packet as it says and then I usually get a small shallow bowl and put marbles or rocks in it so it can only drink between them. I would still keep it separated from the other chicks for a while. Does it's legs go out side ways sometimes they have spraddle legs which make them not able to stand and walk you can look up how to band them to help it if that's the case. If it's still in the incubator i'd keep the humidity up some to keep it from sticking to the bottom. I hope this helps some!
i found the problem. I pulled him and and sprayed him with warm water. he was all dried and and sticky. his wing was stuck to his leg. now he is up and moving. he is small but waking around. however he has started scratching his head with he feet now. (to the point of lil blood) any ideas on that one?
All of my chicks did that when they were first hatched...not sure why but if it has drawn blood I would watch and make sure any others are not pecking at it to make it worse. You could apply a little neosporin to it it may also help with some itching as it could be from being dry skin from where it was in the moist air inside the incubator vs. now being in dry air.

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