12 Lf American Dominique Eggs


The Bantam Barn
14 Years
Mar 18, 2008
My Coop
My Coop
This will be for 12 eggs of American Dominique. These are very nice docile birds that are great for free ranging. I have one order I can ship out tomorrow if I get the payment before 12:00 noon (Wed, 10-6-10) Please just PM , Email or post here.. Please Do not click the BuyItNow button.
I bubble wrap each eggs and then place them in a egg carton which is securely packed in a #7 Priority Mail box. I think the larger box offers good protection and rarely have damages but, I DO NOT guarantee hatch-ability due to shipping and your incubation methods. Shipping by Priority Mail $13.00...Please pay by Paypal after auction ends so that I can ship the eggs quickly. If you want me to send you a PayPal invoice you need to email or pm me your email address . NPIP # 64-1039 & US AI clean. Let me know if you need NPIP paperwork with the eggs. Check my other auctions . I will combine shipping when possible, but cannot hold eggs over to ship with another auction ending several days later, I want you to have freshest eggs possible. Thanks for looking ! Shipping only in U.S.

I am taking orders for these, so if you want some later PM or email me.

PayPal to [email protected]



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