12+ malaysian serama eggs for 3-25-08 shipping


12 Years
Nov 2, 2007
fairplay, south carolina
for 12+ eggs always add extras. also i will include 2-3 of my sparks serama eggs, i have a full incubator and this is the only reason the sparks eggs will go anywhere. i mainly keep those for myself and hatch all i can, i will also including some of my eggs from my birds from jerry of the scna, this is the way i am going with my program 2 lines --one of the scna and one of only brians from the ussc. and a combined line.

12 + eggs 30.00 shipped.

thanks frank

paypal [email protected]
Me! I want them! Maybe this time I can get at least one to hatch. I've spent I don't know how many dollars on these cuties, and none have hatched.

Edited to add...Not from this poster, didn't mean it to come out like that!
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it is a serama just like a reg malaysian serama just from brian sparks of the ussc, they are shorter very typy and the way my breeding program is going. my roo that was on the pic of the week was a sparks serama. i just always keep that line pure and never mix it with others. you can view brians birds on the ussc.us site.. that is brians site/forum

I don't know anything at ALL about Spark Serama's, SO I googled them. This is what I found

From what I can tell its just a "breeder" specific Serama. Interesting!

they fight back and forth, is is a big peeing match and both side are full of it. i have read that also. believe half of what you see and almost none of what you read, there are 2 sides and the other side reads like medlins side. i have birds from medlin too.. from ebay
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