12+ New Hampshire Red Eggs DUEL PURPOSE! March 15th shipment!


Show Me Feathers Poultry CO
11 Years
May 4, 2008
I have 12+ New Hampshire Red Eggs to ship March 15th. These are nice wide birds and are quiet plumb and are easy to dress and lay a large brown egg and are very laid back. My flock has 15 hens and 1 rooster and I get 14 eggs a day and they are becoming a fast favorite here! I've had so many people asking about these so finally here they are!
I will have this 12+ set and a 8 + set. [email protected] is my paypal. If you have any questions let me know!


Heres a young cockeral for a look at their size! Told ya they grow quick!! Not even feathered out totally.



I'll post some more pictures later I think but photobucket is being slow and not responding
I just read a nice article on this breed, and I thought if I ever saw any I would get them. They look like a great breed to have, and I read that nice stock is hard to come by...

If only I had more room:(
I agree, they do look really nice. And, yes, I've been searching for quite some time for nice stock, but with very little luck. If they are hatchery stock that you've improved upon, that's fine...just really curious.
Hi! Sorry it took me so long it's not always easy to find computer time! I only have three hatchery stock hens in my NHR flock and one of them is pictured in the 2nd picture above that I posted and they are all the correct color and size i've owned them for nearly 4 years now and raised and improved apon and sold culls I don't keep anything in my NHR flocks that is NOT good sized and good laying and correctly colored. The rooster I had first has long been killed from a dog attack but I am using a rooster from out of the birds I have gotten from a breeder he is the Rooster Pictured walking across the lawn in the first picture. I have a flock of 15 hens and several roosters all came from a local breeder who got out of these and sold them to me last year.

Also keep in mind those NHR babies pictured had a ways to go till they got their adult correctly colored feathers. It takes NHR babies a few moults to get the propper neck lacing and tail color and all.

If you have anymore questions let me know!
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