12+ Partridge and Blue Partridge silkie/showgirl hatching eggs + porcelian silkie eggs


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Greencastle, IN
I have hatching eggs for sale from my Partridge and Blue Partridge silkies/showgirls. I have two Blue Partridge silkie rooster and a black showgirl rooster in with Partridge, Blue Partridge hens and one black showgirl hen. My blue Partridge rooster has been shown and several of my hens also have. They have done very well.

12+ eggs are $30 shipped

I also can add in one to 3 eggs from my porcelian silkies.

I have had good fertilty here but can not guarantee hatch rate due to shipping and how the eggs are handled or incubated.
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Hi I am looking for some Blue Partridge Sikies to breed. Tell me if I breed my blue to a partridge do you get the Blue Partridge on some of the babies? Do you have any for sale?
I do have two hens for sale. They are $40 each, but I rather not ship them. I have heard of people breeding blues and blacks to partridge to get the darker Partridges.
I will have 12+ dozen to ship Saturday. Oldest eggs are from yesterday. Right now, I have 10 eggs (9 from Partridge and 1 from Porcelians) I will add any I get from the next two days.
Right now, I have 11 Partridge eggs and Porcelian. I got 6 silkie eggs today. I should get atleast 4 to 6 tomorrow. I also have 7 Bantam Barred Rock eggs out of show stock. I would add them to these eggs for an extra $10.
These are sold. I will have more to ship Monday.

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