13 mos White Leghorn Roo


9 Years
Dec 20, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Peeps is a beautiful white leghorn roo that I hatched as part of a science project. Unfortunately, my parents won't let me keep him any more, and I don't want to eat him. I have three other hens who he protects very well from the numerous hawks in the area. He's really nice to me, but he's a little mean to my grandmother. But otherwise, he is a very nice chicken.
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Thanks to everyone for taking such an interest in Peeps :)
I will be willing to ship anywhere. Unfortunately, I will not be able to pay for shipping.
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I have a walk in Coop with plenty of scratching room..he'd have 5 Gals to pal around with & he sounds just like what my Hubby wants,,Foghorn Leghorn..:)(from the old comics...LOL) The climate would be @ the same..Sunny Florida but...it's a long way to go. Didn't see if you knew how much to ship..definately would go to a "Pet Enviroment!" GAP

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