14 week old OEG bantam took off tonight...


11 Years
Mar 23, 2009
We had him free ranging in our fenced back yard and thought he would go back
to the run to sleep when it got dark. Well we went out at dusk and he was
nowhere to be seen. We had him seperated from the other two in his flock
because he was fighting with another rooster. I really don't think anything got him, we saw him
just a half hour before. He flies pretty well and we figure he's gotten up in a tree or something.
Do you think he'll come back tomorrow for food? Do chickens have a homing instinct?
Or do they just take off? Our daughter is kind of upset. We left the run open with water for him.
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Just in case anyone wants to hear a happy ending, our little roo did show up this morning
crowing on our back porch!

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