18 BarnYard Best-Blue, Black Copper,Golden Cuckoo Marans, Barnevelder+


11 Years
Jan 26, 2010
By popular demand we are offering the best in the barnyard for a total of 18 hatching eggs (actually 24 fits in the box)
! You will get a combination from our rare poultry including (BBS)Blue Marans, Black Copper Marans (Wade Jeane and Davis) our French Golden Cuckoo Marans and our beautiful Barnevelders. And as a bonus you will also get our BBS Ameraucana eggs. If you like a display of beautiful colored eggs you won't be disappointed in this combination.

You are assured a few eggs of each of the chickens listed above. Each egg will be labeled with the letters BM -Blue Marans, BV-Barnevelders, BCM-Black Copper Marans, GCM for our golden Cuckoos and of course you'll know the Ameraucanas, the beautiful blue egg! All of our Marans are feather shanked, however there is always a chance of hatching a chick with clean legs, as Marans are still a work in progress here in the USA.

Our eggs are very fertile and we have had an excellent hatch rate. However, due to the nature and handling of shipped eggs, time of the year etc., unfortunately we can not guarantee your hatch rate. We DO guarantee all eggs to be fresh and arrive in good condition and in a timely manor.

Because of the delicate time frame of hatching eggs we accept PayPal online payments only paid to [email protected] (no E-checks please). If you do not use PayPal and would still like to purchase eggs from us please contact us prior to bidding. If the girls stop laying and we are unable to ship your eggs for any reason within a week you will be given the option to a full refund or to wait till the eggs are available which ever you prefer.

We ship to the lower U.S. states only. We are NPIP certified in the state of Ohio If you prefer chicks instead of eggs we ship chicks all year! You can click on the website link www.TheFancyChick.com or email us for ordering chicks! frow

We prefer email as our in box on here gets full quickly and there is no way to keep the information for future reference. We will never share your email information with anyone and only use it to answer your questions. Thanks and GOOD LUCK!
(all pictures are the property of TheFancyChick.com and are of our own poultry and eggs)

Thanks and good luck!








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