18 Guinea Eggs - Choc, Lav, Violet, Purple, Buff, Pearl, Blue etc - Shipping Included


13 Years
Apr 18, 2007
Updated 04/27/17 - The guineas are laying and I will begin shipping next week.

We have over 60 guineas of the following colors: Coral Blue, Violet, Powder Blue, Slate, Chocolate, Pearl, White, Buff Dundotte, Purple. They all run together so I cannot give certain colors. My customers reported great results from hatching our shipped guinea eggs the last two years.

This offer will be for 18 guinea eggs. I try to add a few extra if available at the time of shipping. $40.00 which includes shipping. No international shipping or shipping to Virginia or Hawaii.

The guineas are laying currently and I am getting over a dozen eggs per day that we are finding anyway.
If interested in purchasing eggs, please PM me and I will put you on the list once payment is received.

I bubble wrap and double box every order to help in getting the eggs to you in the best possible condition for a good hatch. I cannot guarantee your hatch because of problems with shipping and individual hatching variables.

I will be glad to answer additional questions. I am not NPIP.

Once again if you would like to purchase. This offer is for 18 guinea hatching eggs for $40.00 with shipping included. Please PM me and I can let you know an estimate on shipping date and put you on the list once payment is made.
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Should have guinea eggs next week unless they decide to start hiding the eggs. Just PM me when you want them and I will get you my paypal information.

I have not released the Lemon Blue or the Mauve Laced yet. I like a finished product before I offer them to the public.

I have been working on the Lemon Blue for 7 or 8 years and am finally getting some consistency and a lot more with the coloration I want. They will never breed just Lemon Blue since the blue gene is involved but I am now getting about a 50/50 Lemon Blue to a Lemon Black. These are American sized birds and not English as they have no imported English blood in them.

The Mauve Laced are lovely and I am currently hatching lots of chicks but this is only second generation. I don't have any grown out enough to see the results, however they are looking very promising with nice lacing already developing. The size on the hens in not where I want it but they are with a really nice and big 100% English Chocolate Rooster so should get some size in the chicks. The plus is the hens lay great and fertility has been wonderful unlike some of my 100% English Orpington pens.

Thanks for asking.

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