18 month old hen very quiet staying in coop... Possibly cough(?)


In the Brooder
Nov 4, 2018
Ive never had a sick hen but i can tell theres something off with this girl. Shes 18 months, has been laying regularly, i do not think she layed today. She stayed in the coop all day today. Shes usually very vocal, cooing and calling to me but today she is very quiet. I thought she might be coughing but I've never heard a chicken cough. She did feel Overly warm when i picked her up... Any suggestions?
I wish I knew what to tell you. It's funny how you can tell when an animal's sick. I took my duck to the vet. There are probably a lot of people here that couple help more. Good luck
I would recommend vet if concerned. In the mean time if feel she is ill would isolate in quiet semi dark crate or chicken hospital coop. Whatever you have. Free choice food/water. I would put some sav a chick electrolytes in water to perk up. Then you can monitor better and if getting something contagious then it protects her and the flock. Could also try some VetRx it’s at TSC and is supposed to be good for colds or respiratory ailments.
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If you could get a short video of her coughing, post it to YouTube with a link posted here. In the meantime, note if she is starting to molt or lose feathers. They can become standoffish, listless, eat less, and have low energy during molting. She is at the right age. Also check her crop to see if it is empty, full, firm, or puffy. In early morning before eating it should feel empty and flat. Look her over under her vent and all over for any tiny bugs (lice or mites.) Look at her poops and describe them. Does she have any swelling or enlargement of her lower belly? Try offering her some cooked egg and some very wet chicken feed. Poultry NutriDrench a fee drops orally, or other chick vitamins would be good as well.
I would recommend vet if concerned. In the mean time if feel she is ill would isolate in quiet semi dark crate or chicken hospital coop. Whatever you have. Free choice food/water. I would put some sav a chick electrolytes in water to perk up. Then you can monitor better and if getting something contagious then it protects her and the flock. Could also try some VetRx it’s at TSC and is supposed to be good for colds or respiratory ailments.
Thank you i will run up to TSC today.

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