1st chickens owned


May 6, 2015
So I went to a guy local via craigslist ad and have really no idea what I got. He told me he was just throwing eggs in the incubator. Said might be some blacks, browns and whites. He also said that the dad might be a Banty rooster. I had no idea what that meant either. As I am a total green horn on the farm. So I also have no idea if they are going to be hens or roosters. They are
between the ages of 4-7 weeks. Any Suggestions would be great
Oh and I got 11 chicks. They all tweet. They all like to get up on edge of totes and roost as well.

They are fun to photograph
Quote: This is the only picture where i can see them good enough to try and sex, the brown one is a pullet (female) and the other two are roos (male)... From what you described they are probably all mixed breeds of who knows what lol but they are pretty :) if you can get better pictures of the faces of the rest I can probably help you sex them at this age.
This is the only picture where i can see them good enough to try and sex, the brown one is a pullet (female) and the other two are roos (male)... From what you described they are probably all mixed breeds of who knows what lol but they are pretty :) if you can get better pictures of the faces of the rest I can probably help you sex them at this age.
Those are the only 2 Roos I see... I can't really tell by the angle on the last one but I'm leaning pullet by what I can see. Easiest way to tell is the Roos will get bigger redder combs and wattles way sooner than the hens will
This is the only picture where i can see them good enough to try and sex, the brown one is a pullet (female) and the other two are roos (male)... From what you described they are probably all mixed breeds of who knows what lol but they are pretty :) if you can get better pictures of the faces of the rest I can probably help you sex them at this age.

Agreed. Oh, and "banty" is a shorthand term used for bantam - the easiest way to explain bantams is they are the "miniature chickens" of the chicken world (like toy poodles are to poodles or miniature horses to horses) - many of the standard breeds come in an bantam form and there are some bantam breeds that don't have a large fowl counter part. So, apparently in the flock he had there was at least one bantam rooster that would have the possibility of having fertlized some of the eggs that were hatched.
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It looks to me like you got a bunch of pullets and a couple roos. Which is a good mix of sexes (you always want more girls then boys) As far as breeds go, they look like bantam mixes (or bantys) If the father was a bantam then they are probably just a bunch of mutts. But, don't let that discourage you, because I have a bunch of mutts as well. And 4 pure silkies. a few look like a red-star cross which can be good layers so keep us updated on pics as they grow older. Best of luck as a newbie of chickens (I am still a newbie, but I have learned so much from this site, so make sure you go exploring because you pick up a lot of information around here). Grats on your new chicks and be prepared for a journey!

Just some help, be careful where you buy your chicks, sometimes you just end up with "chicken house" birds (bred for meat or eggs). And they a lot of times have diseases so just be careful who you buy from. It is probably better to get your chicks from someone local who you might know more then someone who is outside of your county or state. :) Not telling you what to do, just trying to prevent you from getting something you don't really want.
Yes I do understand that. The guy ended up being a friend of a friend of a neighbor...lol. Nice people and very clean setup. I am going to be adding to my flock some pure Polish hens. They are a year old.
This is the only picture where i can see them good enough to try and sex, the brown one is a pullet (female) and the other two are roos (male)... From what you described they are probably all mixed breeds of who knows what lol but they are pretty :) if you can get better pictures of the faces of the rest I can probably help you sex them at this age.

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