1st hatch of ducks...help...

darwin ducks

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
Silver springs Nevada
Hello! I'm very new to this arena and I have just hatched my first duck eggs. 2 hatched well without trouble the 3rd seems to have a growth or something. Maybe a placenta? It's underneath where I'm guessing a belly button would be. I'm very worried. He just hatched so he is tired but this thing is hanging on for dear life! Should I be worried???
Howdy from Kansas, darwin ducks, and
! Pleased to have you aboard! I am sorry to hear about your duckling. I suggest you post in the luck below for more precise advice. Good luck to you!

I don't know about ducks but, chickens may be born with the yolk sac still attached. I would imagine this is like the duckling has. You generally leave it alone and it will be absorbed by the chick after awhile. I would prevent the other hatchling from bothering him until it is absorbed and drops off - so it isn't damaged.

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