1st time chick mom with questions

terry's chicks

In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 15, 2011
My chicks are suppose to be here next week, from McMurray, I had them vacinated, ordered the gel supplement, then went to farm store to buy feed, ???Non-medicated, that was what the lady at McMurray told me to get, but it seems like many posts talk about medicated starter feed. Now I don't know whether to take it back and get medicated or not. Very nervous about becoming a new mom and would feel terrible if I do something wrong? Help:(
If you had your chicks vaccinated for Marek's, you will still need the medicated starter, since it is medicated for prevention of coccidiosis. If you had the chicks vaccinated for both Marek's and for coxi, then you need plain, unmedicated starter. Giving vaccinated-for-coxi chicks medicated starter will cause the two to cancel each other out (it's more complicated than that, but this is the easiest way to explain it). Ascertain what vaccinations your chicks have gotten, and then go from there.
Here is what I ordered
Qty Subtotal
RIRP RHODE ISLAND RED Females(Baby birds are shipped the fastest way possible) $2.46 12 $29.52
BUOP BUFF ORPINGTONS Females(Baby birds are shipped the fastest way possible) $2.67 7 $18.69
COWP COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTE Females(Baby birds are shipped the fastest way possible) $2.78 6 $16.68
GEL Gro-Gel Plus - Shipped with Poultry Orders(Shipped with order) $3.90 1 $3.90
FRCS Free Rare Exotic Chick(Baby birds are shipped the fastest way possible) $0.00 1 $0.00
COVC Coccidiosis Vaccination (Baby Chicks Only) $0.15 25 $3.75
VACC Vaccinate for Marek's Disease (Baby Chicks Only) $0.15 25

so I guess that is why they said I didn't need medicated food, I even went to the post office to be ask about how they handle the babies, and can they call me ASAP when they arrive. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, Any other suggestions?

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