1week old chicks breed please?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 11, 2013
These are from Myer Hatchery and were hatched as a science project then given to me today. They are all 1 week old and clean legged. Any help is most appreciated!! Thank you :)

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4 (black australorp?)

Number 5

And number 6
No guesses from me. I just enjoy the pics. I qm most curious about the first one. I don't think I have ever seen one like that. Hope someone helps you out, and welcome to BYC.
Number 2 looks like a Speckled Sussex

Number 4 looks like a Black Australorp (but could be any all black breed)

Number 6 could be a Barred Plymouth Rock (or one of the other barred breeds) if there is barring on the wings?

Number 1 is adorable but I don't know the breed and can't find anything in Meyer Catelog that looks like that so maybe its an Easter Egger they come in a wide variety of colors.

Number 4 is something white perhaps a White Plymouth Rock but could be any all white breed Leghorn or ?

Number 6 not sure at all but white Jersey Giants start out smokey gray like that.

I think I have the numbers confused too.....
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No barring that I can see yet. If that gray one is a jersey giant that would be funny, as it's the smallest chick in the bunch, lol! I'm sure that is a black australorp as that is all I have in my flock up till now, but I was wondering if the other black one could be a marans?

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