In the Brooder
This morning picked up 10 baby chicks I ordered from Ideal Poultry. I put them in a clean Rubbermaid tote with puppy pads as bedding for first few days. All are eating and drinking well, they've seemed to perk up and are looking good. I just checked on them and found in a wet dropping, a gray/tan colored 1-2" looking worm???? (Mixed breeds, Easter eggers, Marans, and bantams). They are on medicated feed as I plan on introducing soil here in a few days. (Although that's just amprollium). This is my second set of baby chicks and so I don't know what to do- I did a quick search but I've got to get ready for work tonight. I have some things already on hand (Wazine and Rooster Booster granules "multi wormer triple action" feed concentrate) I've anticipated everything else but WORMS with these chicks :/ I appreciate any advice!!