2 Easter chicks ?? and a Banty?? Anyone know what breeds? Pic heavy


12 Years
Dec 19, 2007
Brighton, CO
This is Cottonball, she came from the banty brooder at the farm store



This is Cherry


This is Buster, he's got a faint black spot on the back of his head




Thanks for any help
There is a good chance to Easter chicks are male.
I am basing this on the fact that some large hatcheries were only selling males that where colored, but it is possible that there was someone doing the females as well.
They are cuties!
The first chick looks like an easter egger, kinda looks girly to me. The second chick looks like a white leghorn male. The third one almost looks like a rhode island red or a new hampshire with the wing color.
I think the silver one is a silky. I'm not sure about the others. None of them look like leghorns to me though. That dark red one looks like he was dyed a different color for easter. Never seen one like him before. It will be interesting to see what they turn out like. The last one I would call parti color or partridge myself, which could also be silky. But they are very cute.
Thanks everyone, I kind of figured the last one to be a boy, he also has a faint black spot on the back of his head. Is that indication of a specific breed?

Cherry the middle one had pasty butt so bad it was almost a gonner a the farm store. The woman in charge of the chicks just picked Cherry and Buster up, grabbed hold of the pasty and pulled. OUCH!!! The little chicks screamed. She took quite a bit of down with the pasty. Then asked me if I knew how to care for baby chicks, because she was an animal rights activist and hated to see the chicks mistreated. Oh Okay........I almost said something but I didn't we saved two chicks. I wish we could've saved more..

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