2 free RIR in southern NH


15 Years
Sep 2, 2007
Milford, New Hampshire
This comes from a friend of mine who needs to place her girls to a good home! I just got 3 on Sunday and have no more room! I will send you her email if you are interested.
thank you

I was wondering if you could help me place my 2 Rhode Island red hens in a good home.Just 2 chickens. I don't have the time for them with Eli running around now. Plus my other 2 chickens got murdered by a huge Fisher Cat and I don't have the heart to keep only two now. They are great layers of yummy brown eggs. 2-3 daily. They are 3.5 yrs old and are as friendly as can be whom love people. Names are Lola and Cera.
Why yes Wendy, as if you don't have enough? These girls free range on a really large farm in Wilton, and go into the barn at night. If you are interested I could probably meet you half way on the weekend?

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