2 month old chicks dead


7 Years
Jan 28, 2017
Wells Michigan
I have 3 two month old chicks 1 silver laced whyndotte and 2 black copper marans. Yesterday I went to feed them and found the 2 marans dead. They have no wounds and were fine the day before. The whyndotte seems fine. Should I be worried about him?
I'm really sorry for your losses. So many questions....had they been recently moved outside or were they brooded outside? I see you live in Michigan, I dont know what the weather is like there. Mine are 8 weeks too and have been living outside in their coop since 5 weeks because it's so warm here. I'd be concerned about the usual suspects....cocci, worms, virus, or MG or other bacteria. I'd take the remaining one to a vet if that's available to you, especially since the other ones seemed fine before too. Good luck!

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