I think I need moral support more than anything else right now. I have marans chicks in the brooder right now. They are about 2 weeks old. One little pullet has always eaten and drank very well, but she is considerably smaller than the others. She is quieter than the rest too. We have given her extra vitamins. She is feathering up normally but is only half the size of her hatch mates. Midge (short for Midget) has now come down with spraddle leg. We splinted her legs with a bandaid yesterday. She has already learned to walk in her orthopedics and continues to eat well. She is getting polyvisol daily. I had a day old chick with spraddle leg that took 2 days to heal. How long will it take a 2 week old chick? She eats and drinks well and doesn't peep a lot, so I doubt that she is suffering. She just isn't thriving like the others. She does tire more easily and sleep more than the others. Since the development with her legs, I have separated her into a separate brooder with one quiet friend. The rowdier chicks are in a separate brooder on ther side of the room. One little roo is quite active. He runs a lot and rams into the others and over top of anyone in his way. I suspect that he possibly is the cause of Midge's injury. Midge has a normal size head and a tiny body. Even before the spraddle leg her legs seemed to be set further apart than the others but normal in their straightness. Is there a dwarfism gene in chickens? Any suggestion or input would be appreciated. I won't cull her as long as she isn't suffering, nor will I use her for breeding. If she survives her chickhood, she is destined to be one of those special pets.