2016 baby chicks


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
I have several babies to chose from. All chicks come from very hearty layers some are mix some pure.
What I have available at the moment are

Barred rock
Tetra tint
Road island red
Black star
Buff orphington mix
Silver laced Wyandotte mix
Easter eggers

I have hatches that started I. December so ages and prices will very depending on age of chicks

0-1 month $3
1-2 months $5
2-3 months $10
4-5 months $15
Layers $20

Contact me for more information

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I have a verity. Some mixed some not. I have new chicks hatched Sunday as well as ones that hatched Christmas Eve. And around 8 hens around 4-5 months.

Breeds I have like I said some May be mixed are
Road island red
Black star
Barred rock
Tetra tint
Silver laced Wyandotte
Buff orphingtion
And some of my own barn yard mixes.

Let me know and also where you are located
I do have some but they are mixes. I have just gotten in new chicks myself so all of my birds will be pures within the next 6 months. I also have added a few new breeds to my flocks so I will have more to offer. I have looked into shipping and the only problem I have seen is some states requirements. So I am looking into shipping regulations and will be continuing to hatch for the next few months. If you are interested in the Easter egger mix there momma hens lay blue so I would guess green layers from the new pullets.

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