21 days and nothing (worried)


8 Years
May 1, 2011
so today is the big day an i have nothing no wiggles pips cheeps nothing am i allowed to candle
my humiity is between 50/60 it was 40/50 in incubation the humidity outside is 40 the temp keeps dropping from 100 to 97 i live by a big lake and 5 miles from the sea will that make a difference im so worried
Well, I don't know much about the tempature and humidity, but I've had chicks hatch three days late, so don't worry just yet.
However, I wouldn't candle if I were you. The chicks could get disoriented inside the egg.
Your humidity needed to be higher during lockdown. That may be why. However 21 is just the hatching standard. Some chicks hatch in 18-19 some 22-24. Yours just might be a little late. Do not candle. Its too late to candle. You wouldnt see anything anyways.
We are in the same boat friend.

I am hoping something will start in the afternoon because then it will be full 21 days
my last hatch my humidity was between 70/80 and i got no hatches they all drowned an they were geese i didnt want to risk it with chickens smene n here said about 55 shuld be ok hgh enough to not dry out and low enough not to drown so iv aimed for that
ok so i just went to the bator turned off the fan as it very loud stuck my ear to the window tap tap tap then it stopped and tap tap again is this good or is it my head playing tricks as im sure im making it up becouse there has been no wiggles or anything
Don't worry yet! I had 3 eggs in my bator, on day 23 nothing and then that afternoon I started hearing peeping and a very slight tapping noise if I held my ear right above the bator. 12 or so hours later there was a hole, and this morning it zipped and hatched on day 24! My other 2 are not doing anything.... The one that hatched looks super healthy!!! I have a very small bator for 2 or 3 eggs and I had a horrible time with fluctuating temps, mine ran low some days and high others, I was constantly adjusting temp. To get the humidity up the last few days I soaked 2 cotton balls in water and dropped them in. It worked perfect for my tiny bator! I hope all goes well for you, hang in there!

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