28+ EE's, BLRW, Mottled Frizzle, Brahma, Olive Egger,Blue, plus MORE!


10 Years
Mar 8, 2009
Southern Illinois
Up for grabs is a large lot of whatever is collected until wednesday. I will ship wednesday. I have a pen of pure bred BLRW from Paul and Foley lines. BEAUTIFUL birds. They just started laying about a week ago. So I need some testers! I have a pen of EE's. Which are just beginning to lay after winter. Nice birds. Not plain brown! I get blue, green, and pinkish eggs! Pen of White Silkies. Bought from showing parents. Quailty birds, can be show winners. Hattrick, George M, plus more lines from Harvest Breeze Farms, and Sunshine Silkies. I also have a free range flock of Buff Orps, SLW, GLW, Light Brahma, RIR, BLRW hens. Running with Buff Orp/Brahma, Light Brahma, and blue gene EE rooster! So olive egger chicks are a maybe! I have a chick that I hatched last week that looks like a brahma but has muffs, and green legs! Will be awesome layers! Pretty colors. Oh and there is a bantam mottled frizzle trio out there also that is laying!

My birds are just starting to lay after winter. So I don't have enough of each pen to sell. So I'm selling for the first time this year a mixture, to test. I will be hatching again myself after this batch, and won't know when I will have some again. I hatched last week. And 100% of my eggs that I put in hatched! 7/7!

Don't have any new pictures. But I will get some tomorrow!

I can't promise what else I will collect. But all groups are laying just not dependable. Should have around 20 eggs! Maybe more.


Rooster that is in EE pen.


EE that is running with layer flock, plus EE girl in background, and bantam cochin hen.


SLW, and Light Brahma hen last summer


Frizzle hen at 4 months old.


Silkie Rooster

I will add lots more pictures tomorrow. If wanted.
This is a great chance to get some NICE birds. Don't pass up this great offer. Paypal only, so I can hurry and get these eggs out.
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I wanted to note that I have been getting 3 BLRW a day, 3 EE, and 2 Silkie. So I should get more by tomorrow.

I cracked a few open today to check for fertility. Wish I wouldn't of done that now so I would of had more.
Your eggs have me
, especially the thought of some BLRW, but I will be out of town Easter weekend, when these would be due to hatch
. I'm sure you'll get lots of bids tho, this is a great mixture!
Aww. I'm sure I will have some BLRW listings going on in few weeks. After they start laying regularly, and I take out the extra roosters, and I hatch some myself.

If no body wants these guys I'll hatch them myself. lol

I really wanted to, but I have birds stashed everywhere, and just don't have room for more until I sell off my extras at the end of the month. lol. Oh well.

Large Beautiful Mutt Rooster that is running with Layer hens.


BLRW Rooster. He has AWESOME type. The best I have ever seen on LF. He is short and shout, and has the more correct tail carriage.


BLRW Rooster. Nice dark color, and good lacing.





I now have

2 BLRW eggs

6 EE eggs

11 Mixed Layers

2 Bantam Mottled Frizzle Cochin egg

I will add whatever else I get tomorrow, plus any that I get Wed. before I ship.

The silkies have not laid yet. I don't know why.
But I saw one in the nest box, so hopefully they will hurry up.
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Tempt you more


Bonnie Blue. The sweetest chicken on the farm. She follows me all day. Eats grain while I milk, rides around on my shoulder, and loves for me to carry her. She is got the greatest personality, and she 'talks' to me.
It sounds just like sentences when she makes her little chicken noises. One of her eggs is in there. And she is spilt for Mottling.


EE pen. Orange hen has a straight comb, and came from a RIR/EE cross. She lays the pinkish eggs. Should have pea combed babies. They produce various colored babies. They are all different. Cutest little things ever.
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NEW SURPRISE! Lydia my prettiest EE began laying today! It's a wonderful soft blue. She is running with the blue EE pictured earlier, plus a brahma and mutt rooster.

So the choices her chicks will produce is BLUE eggs, or OLIVE eggs! I'm so thrilled. I have been waiting on her for months. I can't wait to hatch some of hers myself. I am so jealous.

She is the bird in my Avatar.
New Current Count

14 Mutt eggs
2 Frizzle eggs
1 Blue Lydia egg
4 BLRW eggs
6 EE eggs
1 egg. I think it's a BLRW but I forgot to write on it so it might be a mutt.

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