2nd Generation Sex Links Buff x Rock


8 Years
Apr 11, 2011
Has anyone on here ever bred the Sex Link offspring of a Buff Roo & Barred Rock Hens? The first generation sexlinked crosses are beautiful, but we were wondering what happens if we breed the sex link roo to the sex link hens. Does anyone have an info on this?
You'll get half barred babies and half non barred, but it won't be linked to the gender of the chick. And, the amount of barring may vary on each bird. What does your roo look like? Is he mostly black and white, or does he have a lot of the buff color? I'd love to see a pic. You'll have a variety of colors, I'd think in the black and buff ranges.

When your chicks hatch, check their heads for a white or light spot. On non-black chicks, it can be harder to see, but those chicks will feather out with some cool barring. I'm waiting for two chicks to fully feather out to see how much barring they get. They're from a black sex link roo over ee/leghorn hens.

These are the first generation crosses, and parent birds to the 2nd gens shown above. the white and black is the rooster, and the black and copper is the hen. The roosters of the 1st generation were prolific growers and the hens were great layers.

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