2nd Incubation - Starting in 8 days.


Sep 17, 2015
Finally i can get started on my 2nd incubation. Its been too cold by our standards, thatswhy i waited this long.

My 1st incubation was ok. 48 eggs giving by some friends. 18 werent fertil. of the remaining 30, 8 developed but didnt hatch.
22 hatched, but one didnt get out of the eggshell.Another got his litlte head in a space and was stomped. The 3rd one had leg problems and i had to cull him.

So the 19 are good. One has broken or deformed fingers. Maybe the wires mat. But in all ,they are big.

So this time im using my own eggs. Not sure how many are fertile, but doesnt matter. I dont have a decent breed. Its just to get things working again.

My plan is next month to get Pure breeds.

So yesterday i saved 5. Today was 7. So my 1st doxen is saved.

My target start would be 14 or 15 this month.
For some weird reason my chickens have been laying 7-9 eggsdaily this week. And the weather is cold for this time of the year.
So my timeline has been anticipated. Today i colected egg nº48 and already plugged my incubator.

This time i wont make daily videos,its kind of boring. Or even take pictures like my 1st time.

My biggest concern are fertil eggs. I had to rooster in the pen with these ladies. Last 2 weeks only one. I had too many roosters, of the 10 only 3 remain. The others went to friends and our freezer.
Incubator is on for 12 hours now ( empty of course). Having a hard time getting temp and Hum stable.

Last hatch was september. Temp were much warmer. So i know the cause.
Im using a 48egg incubator. Its not original, i think its fake or counterfit from Janoel. But it looked decent enough in my 1st hatch.

So for the price i paid im ok. Here a 24egg costs 3 times what i paid for mine online.

I have some pics on my instagram and some videos on my YT.
Note to self. Thus will probably will be my last cold weather incubation. Took me almost an hour to get the temp at 38after putting the eggs in the incubator.

Had to put some hot water in. Some towels over the incubator. In september i didnt have to do anything. But thats mother nature and cold weather.
Took me an hour. I did it at 23h30. Which was probably a bad idea. Around 14h or 15h would of been a wise choice.

My concern now is Alex. Tropical storm thats now a small level hurricane. But im not to concerned with this incubation. None of my eggs are pure or special.

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