2x6 or 2x8 floor joists??

2 x 6 will be fine. I used 2 x 6s on my 12 x 12 and the floor is very sturdy. I had 3 men jumping up and down on it testing it.
Is the floor sitting on the ground, or are you raising it up?

If it is sitting on the ground, then you can go ahead and use 2x4s. Save yourself a lot of money that way. This is what we have done with our coup (and our shed was built that way as well).

I would go for 2x6 if the center of the joists won't be near the ground (or on it). 2x8 is overkill.


I should add that I used 2x8s because the floor is raised from the ground a bit. If the joists are supported by theground, you should be OK with 2x6s or even 2x4s as mentioned above.
I am going to raise it off the ground. I was planning on using concrete deck bases for that, with a 12-16" post. I am not sure if I need a poured concrete base for those or if I can just dig a hole, put some gravel in it, and place the base on top. I have never used them before. I am definitely going to raise it though.
I built my 8 x 12 coop using 2x6x12's. It is raised up 12-18 inches on cinder blocks and anchored using 4x4 posts sunk in concrete.

I used these because I received them for free from a fellow on Craig's List that was dismantling a deck.

There was a little bit of spring in the floor when I first laid down the plywood but this was quickly fixed by nailing some 2x4 blocking between the 2x6's at about the 4' mark.

Have fun with your building.
for a coop 2x6 should be plenty.If you are using a concrete deck base,why not just put it on a concrete paver or big flat rockunder it.If and as it settles you could always just jack up that side and re-block it level.
If you dig you really got to get down below the frostline or you are wasting your time.For a coop that may be overkill.
I like putting them on 4x4's with beveled ends so if I ever need to move it I can.I still raise them up on cinderblock and pavers or flat rock. Have fun.I wish I could help ya.I been itching for a project.
Look under my coop at the block and skid. Will

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