3 day old hatchery "mystery chick," what breed?


8 Years
Jun 25, 2011
north central KY
Just looking for a little help trying to figure out what this little guy is. I'm assuming it is a male, why else would it be free? I can't figure out the breed, but my thoughts are leaning toward Dark Cornish.

Any and all help/guesses would be appreciated.
I've heard they tend to give more exotic extras.....? I don't know for sure. Maybe a brown leghorn or a dark cornish....if its smaller than the others i'd guess oegb. Mine look like that.
Sounds silly maybe but could it be a wyandotte? I have a blr wyamdotte that looked NOTHING like it should have as a chick. It had stripes a little like yours but she is for sure a blr wyandotte now that she has feathered out.

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