3 days old chicks pecking shoulders raw. What to do?

dawn of the chickens

In the Brooder
May 30, 2020
All are 5 days old I think and my 2 black sex links are being pecked raw on their shoulders by the 3 red sex links (they are physically bigger). What can I do? Should I just separate them and apply antibiotic ointment? Thank you.
Try lowering the heat a bit. I would spray the areas with bluekote.

You can add some things to keep chicks busy. Perches, clumps of sod from a clean area in your lawn, or clumps of dandelion greens.

You also can put them outside in a temporary pen during the day if it's at least 80 degrees out.

Generally pecking is from boredom or crowding. Too much heat can cause a problem too. Sex links in general can be busy birds.
Just wanted to say thanks again for your help. I did lower the temp, gave them some sod and they seem much happier. The pecking has stopped and my little ones shoulders are healing. Working on expanding their home and plan on getting blukote to have on hand just in case... also I will separate if it happens again. Thanks everyone!

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