3 HENS - Can I use a grit feeder for food?


8 Years
May 24, 2011
Because of my small flock and limited coop space, I wanted to use a hopper style feeder for my birds.
I'm having trouble finding one (yes, I did see one member's plans for building one, but after many hours of coop construction I can't give my husband another task!) Think that this grit feeder would work? It seems to be the perfect design for me - other than capacity being a bit small. I imagine I would be filling it nearly every day.

http://www.nepigeonsupplies.com/images/cart/0789 grit_hopper.JPG

The most annoying thing is that tons of what Im looking for seem to be available in the UK. The US just doesn't feed their birds with this type of setup!!
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That could work. It's hard to tell how big it is, though. You may have to refill it often.

We use a flat dish to put their food in (it's actually a hot water heater base). We don't feed free choice, but ration their feed daily. This cuts down on rodent and bug issues.
I dont know much about that feeding style. Do you just put it in twice a day for some period of time?

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