3 week old Sussex, Could "she" be a Roo?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 7, 2014
Northern Nevada
Is 3 weeks too early to tell if our little speckled sussex may be a Roo?
"She" is a little spitfire, bosses the other chicks around, she'll even go after her 8 wk old sisters.
She's the first one to run out of the coop when we walk out to their run and if all the chicks decide to go in the coop and one lingers in the run, the speckled sussex runs out and persuades the outsider to go in with the others.
When eating she steals food from all the others and heaven forbid someone try to get one of her mealworms from her.

Maybe sussex'es are outgoing and I'm overthinking things, I guess time will tell.
Here are some of her 3 week old pics

He is definitely a cockerel, seems to be the little leader of the chicks.
Thank you, although NOT the answer I wanted to hear, hee hee
I was informed on BYC that the wing feathers are shorter and the tail is shorter on roos at 2-3 weeks of age...I can tell all mine this way but soon they catch up and its hard to tell...
We hatched out 10 cochin bantams 6 days ago. 4 of them have really long flight feathers - well over an inch long - whereas the other 6 chicks have nothing like that. I was guessing maybe the long feathers meant roosters, but then saw this thread. I sure hope it's not that only those 4 are hens! Any opinions, please?
Probably male but my Maggie had wattles like that so I'm hesitant to say with certainty without any other pictures. If the wattles sprang up suddenly and the comb is growing by the day, it's a male. If you have a well-endowed pullet like mine, there will be no change in the comb/wattles over the next several weeks. Boldness is a feature of the breed; my speckleds are anything but shy. But, the rounding up of stragglers is a very roosterly behavior...
Probably male but my Maggie had wattles like that so I'm hesitant to say with certainty without any other pictures. If the wattles sprang up suddenly and the comb is growing by the day, it's a male. If you have a well-endowed pullet like mine, there will be no change in the comb/wattles over the next several weeks. Boldness is a feature of the breed; my speckleds are anything but shy. But, the rounding up of stragglers is a very roosterly behavior...
Unfortunately "her" wattles did seem to spring up overnight but as of now the comb isn't growing at an alarming rate. I'm still hoping that she's a she because I really like her personality. She's definitely the top chicken in the pecking order even though she's the youngest. My head still tells me to stop becoming so attached but my heart melts whenever she runs over to see me and I sit and watch all her shenanigans

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