3 wk old chick acting weird/sick?


10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
Central MA
I have 7 three week old chicks.
I just went down to the brooder to feed and water them. My Wyandotte was sleeping with her head sort of tucked under her neck (like she was trying to put her head under her?)

The feeding frenzy commenced.. she didn't seem too interested.

So I picked her up, and she starts swinging her head back and forth low against her shest.. like she is trying to pick at her checst, scratch herself w/ her beak?
I put her back in the brooder, and she peck at the food once or twice, then tries to tuck her head under her neck and walk away. Then trips over her own head. Gets back up and flutters her wings.. she is acting kid of sleepy/weird....

The others are all fine.
Why is she acting weird?
I seperated her from the others. I force fed her some yogurt and cottage cheese.

She is very lethargic. She just wants to sleep with her head tucked under.

She is still peeping, flaps her wings when I pick her up. But she doesn't pick her head up.

She did poop once.. yellow and mucousy with a little bit of formed stuff in it....

What is going on, and what do I do about it?
I'm not an expert, but you're doing the right thing. Keep her warm, see if she'll eat or drink, but she's acting sick, for sure. Hopefully someone else will pop in with some helpful advice soon!

If she is drinking, add electrolites and vitamins to her water, if she is eating, try adding some granite pellets (touch her gizzard in front, is it puffy and full or empty?) she may need some little rocks and isn't digesting well.
Good luck!
She's keeping her neck bent downward, with her head tucked under.
I don;t know if it could be wry neck.
I heard that is always crooked to a side? It's not crooked to a side....?
I had a silkie with wry neck and it looked like her head was almost completely upside down! I treated her with vit e oil and she did really well, but this is apparently a common silkie problem, so not sure. Sorry about your baby.
She had another clear/whitish mucousy poo. Kinda wonder if that is because of eating yogurt.
she is still tucking her head under her.
lethargic. She feels a little warm to me... I wonder if she has a virus? I can pick up poly vi sol at the store tonight... or maybe vit E?
I just got home from work. I picked up poly vi sol while I was out. She is hanging in there... no real change. I force fed her about 1/2 TB of yogurt w/ a drop of poly vi sol mixed in.
She hasn't touched her feed...... Not sure if she drank any water.. she might have, cause the newspaper around it was wet like she spilled some.
Time for bed. Hopefully she will improve overnight.

I do wonder how long she hasn;t been eating. She isn;t growing as fast as the others, and they have more feathers in than she does.. poor little thing.

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