3 wk old Lavender Wyandotte male or female?

Just posting an updated photo for anyone else in the future who has a lavender Wyandotte and finds themselves searching threads the way I did for answers 😊 @Poultrybonkers did an excellent job and was one of the few threads I could find that helped me.

Here is our lavender Wyandotte at just over 9 weeks. Consensus says he’s a cockerel 😊 he is very sweet and loves sitting with our girls.
The tail is still trying to fill in from being pecked at and I think he has a frayed tail gene or something because that poor tail is so ragged.
Hes still a cockerel and its called shredder gene from lav x lav breedings
Yea his poor tail looks awful 😆
Mine was like that to this is him now

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