3 year old rooster sick


12 Years
May 8, 2007
Our3 year old blue laced red wayandotte is off his game. It's been about a week since he crowed (otherwise he crows all day -- the silence is deafening), his wattles are getting paler. He seems slower than he normally is. And he spends more time inside the coop during the day than normal. And his tail is drooping. He doesn't give the "warning" calls that he used to do when we go out at night to shut up the coop, his heads up to the hens that something is up.

What should I do?
I called the local feed store, but they just said to come get a bag of antibiotic feed in case it's bacterial. Should I?
The symptoms look like that of a sick rooster. He must be suffering from something, either disease or had a fight with other rooster. You have to find out. If you don't have any other roosters then it must be sickness. Keep him separate from the flock for some days till he gets fit. And if you see him getting weaker every day then he is surely going towards the end. Try to contact a vet.
does he have any other symptoms? I guess it would not hurt him any to have the medicated feed. I would probably just get some meds to put in the water rather than buy the food.
Thanks -- we usually have a small flock, but it was a hard winter for us, and hungry predators have us down to just him and 2 hens. We have 12 babies coming at the end of the month, so I'd especially like to resolve this. I'll see if they have drops for the water, and bring him into a box in the house somewhere to isolate him I guess.

no other symptoms that I have noticed, tho his eyes looked funny to me the other day, can't explain how, just sort of not bright like the hens. but they weren't a funky color or clouded or the nictitating membrane or whatever wasn't covering it. they just looked dull. he seems to be walking ok, no limp or anything.
Oh, yes, I would definately seperate him. Keeping him covered so he will rest. If he is a lone rooster, he may have tangled with a predator or something rather than another bird? So hard to tell if nothing is obvious. keep us posted.
I'm sorry your roo passed away.
Well. I went out to let the chickens out today and out he came running, and was walking around the run. It's been cool and wet, so I didn't open the door til after noon. I've got 2 suddenly-sick last night kids (what is going on!?!) so I didn't get out to the feed store til 5. When I went out to bring him in to a box I'd gotten lined with shavings, etc so isolate and medicate him, he was on the ground in the run, couldn't seem to get up. We had some heavy rain and I suspect he got knocked down, sodden, a coulnd't get up. Kicking myself for not checking in again after I let them out.

They gave me something called Vet Rx which seems to be canada balsam, camphor, essential oils of rosemary, oregano and diluted in alcohol and corn oil. I'm not sure how often to dose him, and I'm giving him straight drops based on the last story in the insert, but I only gave him a few drops once. And the rest have been electrolytes and vitamins.

He's on a heating pad in the living room, and has been snuggled up with various family members. He's swathed in towels and drying off.

He was in pretty grim shape when we brought him in. He seems better now, but still pretty weak. We'll see how it goes. I am realistic that his chances aren't good, but hopeful anyway.

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