3 yr. old hen bit by opossum, 6 days later toe is swollen, she won't walk much


5 Years
May 2, 2015
Around midnight an opossum got in the coop but we caught it as it had her head in his mouth. The next day we noticed her toe was dirty and bleeding, cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and water, used triple antibiotic cream and wrapped it. Same thing next day. We just have 2 chickens, we're older and life has been getting overwhelming. That bandage was on for about 4 days and the toe looked clean. I removed the bandage but the whole toe looks swollen and she wants to mostly lay around. She was walking more yesterday when I let them out in the yard. Problem is they poo where we and any visitors all walk. But they have a dirt pen and their too large coop needs cleaning out. I'm feeling like I can't take care of them anymore. However my young granddaughter who had some trauma and has issues, is deeply attached to them, and I am only keeping them for her. I can't afford a vet, or expensive creams, another coop, etc. I don't have another area to put her in, but I'm sure she doesn't get pecked. Any inexpensive suggestions? Thanks so much
The swelling is normal because she is most likely loosing the toe (which to me is fine).

Rhode Island Red, however lay brown eggs. Not sure what breed your girl is or why this text is so big.​

I think she is an Americauna then. The other chicken is a buff orpington. How would it be okay to lose a toe?

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