I have 3 young pullets(5-6 months old)in with a 18 month old roo.The hens started laying about 3 weeks ago.These are their first eggs,well first 36 eggs anyway.I know the hens are young,but shouldn't there be more than 3 eggs fertile if my rooster is doing his job?I have hatched some eggs from this roo,but not alot.Could there be something in my feed that is causing problems?I bought some feed from a guy that runs a chicken house that probably is some type commerical feed.Very clean,great smelling, diffferent sized pellet feed.I just don't know if it is for layers or a grower-type feed or what.I only feed it to the birds I have in my breeder pens.And even then I mix it with scratch grains and plain chicken feed.I just can't think of any reason why these eggs wouldn't be good.I know this roo is not completely sterile,these pullets he is with are his daughters.Could that cause a problem?These birds are kinda special to me because I bought the roo to mix with my hens to make hens like him.I did that this spring.Now I should be able to cross them back and get a even better hen like him.Maybe I'm trying too hard or just plain rushing them too much.I hope someone with more knowledge about such things can help me figure this out.I've had chickens for many years but have never really tried to breed any certian birds to get something.I have just keep them for eggs to eat and give away and to hatch a few yard-mixed chick to replace my old hens each year.Thanks for reading this,sorry it got so long.