4 BULLIES & 1 Houdan


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2016
Hi everyone,
I am at my wits end on what to do we have 9 chickens 2 buff 2 RIR, 2 Americans, 2 leghorns and 1 Moultan Houdan. The houdan is the unofficial ranch mascot, but receives no special treatment up until no.

about 5 days ago I saw her holding her foot up, and she had quite a bit of blood on the third toe. We thought she had cut it. Until the next day we saw her running for her life from a buff, then a RIR. Always the brown shelled birds. We realized this and try to separate them during the day but this was after the birds had already canabalised her to the bone on that toe. Per advised we wrap it during the day. and put some peck-no-more goop on the wound at night and when they are not separated. But now we have noticed they are attacking other parts of her feet. Obviously I know I need to separate her. But what doe this mean? have the bird decided to start pecking off the bottom off the list? I love Houdini to death. but Im certain she is at the bottom of their pecking order...

And how can I help my dear sweet bird be part of the flock "crowd" again... hs right? :)

thanks guys
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Crested breeds are vulnerable to bullying and predation.
At least temporarily, you need another housing option. You can't put her back till she is healed. When she is healed, you need to take all the bullies out of the building and put them in time out.
After a few days, you can start moving them back to the primary housing one at a time, starting with the most docile. Then the worst offender goes in last. That usually rearranges the pecking order.
RIR are notorious for being bullies of a mixed flock.
Other possibilities are a health issue with the Houdan or a need for more protein in the flock's feed.
When the whole flock turns on one bird, it is possible they are trying to drive the bird away or kill it because they see it as a threat to the health of the flock.
They can also pick on a bird because they have the need for more essential amino acids which can often be corrected by adding animal protein to the diet.
What is the protein percentage of the feed and is it supplemented with treats or scratch?
They can also pick on a bird because they have the need for more essential amino acids which can often be corrected by adding animal protein to the diet.
What is the protein percentage of the feed and is it supplemented with treats or scratch?

The feed is 18% and receive meal worms on a regular basis. as well as fresh veggies. they had however not received the veggies for a week or so do to my lapse.. I know thats not protein but could that be a factor
So the problem is either they hate her or there is something wrong with her.
The more space they have, the less likely this will be an issue.
What are the sq. ft. dimensions of the coop and run?
Separate the bullies.
ChickenCanoe- I have also noticed that someone or a group of chickens eat 1 egg from the laid eggs every day. leaving behind leftovers of the shell. could this be a sign of a protein issue
It certainly could. But it could also be that an egg broke and someone found out how delicious they are.
Find out who the egg eater is and remove her before she teaches them all to eat eggs.
You can use fake ceramic eggs or golf balls in the nest so they fail if they try to break them. That often solves the problem unless the egg shells are weak and continue to break.

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