4 month old rooster is still quiet...normal?

I have one that I have never seen or heard crow, and I've had him for nearly a year. He's pretty low on the totem pole though
They can start really early, like just a few weeks (although it will sound like a little pathetic cracking teenage boy
). Some just take longer than others!

I have an oegb roo that crowed at like 4 weeks, now at 5 months he crows CONSTANTLY, starting at about 5am until about 9pm. And I mean constantly, he will not give it up!
Well, my little BR, "Oliver" is, perhaps, only 6 weeks old. He is still peeping, though once I heard a brief "ACK!" while I was tidying his digs.

I have never had a BR rooster; just two hens. Both were sweet as could be (Sophie--my avatar--was sassy, but sweet).

When he is happy playing outside, he trills away. Today I was gobsmacked when I was weeding where he could not see me, and instead of the peeps, I heard "purrs.

I wonder if BRs are just more relaxed about things than...say...RIRs.
Sometimes they do not crow because they are not the dominant roo, or too low in the pecking order.

They can start to crow at almost any age, up to a year, if not more.
My RIR roo has been crowing since about 5 weeks? He is now about 14 weeks and crows constantly.

My JG roo has never crowed. He is about 12.5 weeks. He is kept separately during the day but he and my RIR were in a shared (but separated by fencing) shed at night for a few months. They have only moved into separate night quarters for a week now and I caught my JG crowing yesterday. Sounds more like honking, but he is at least attempting it.

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