4 month old Silkie acting like a chick again?

Shared Acres

11 Years
Aug 10, 2008
Northeast Fla
I got Chino with 2 other chicks when they were about a month old. We sold the other two recently and only have Chino left.

Before we sold the other ones, they all lived outside in the big coop with the big chickens and they were def. at the bottom of the totem pole.

My splash silkie, Henrietta went broody and suddenly was motherly to Chino. Chino would cuddle up under her wing (even though he is nearly 4 months old now!) and follow her around.

Henrietta has babies that are about 3 weeks old now and at first Chino was mean to them, but now she acts like one of them! Henrietta makes her call that there is good food and Chino is usually the first to come out and grab it.

If Henrietta is down in the yard and Chino is up in the house and can't figure out how to get to her, she will make this low sound, almost like a duck quack or balloon being deflated or something!

I need to post a pic of Chino, as we really aren't sure if she's a she. Could she be just reverting back to being a chick since losing her friends?

She also seems to hate me and runs from me.

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