4mth old hen laying eggs?

Going Quackers

12 Years
May 24, 2011
On, Canada
Um, wth? lol i thought she had to be at least 5mths.. well anyhow, one of our 4mth old muscovy hens laid two eggs today... so what now? there obviously not on a laying feed yet as they weren't of age so i have understood.. i would assume we need to add something to the diet if there going to start this type of stuff ... or no? Input? thxs.
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No matter what anyone tells you, you don't need any type of laying feed to get eggs. However, it does help keep them laying regular.
oh ok... interesting, thanks.

I'd say you have 2 hens laying, I have had Muscovies for 7 years and have never seen one lay 2 eggs in one day.
I would put out oyster shell for them because they need extra calcium to lay hard egg shells.

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