5.5-6 weeks RIR


Feb 11, 2015
I'd love some help figuring my RIRs. These two are my favorites and so friendly! There is only the slightest blush of pink in their combs (looks a little red, but I have a red lightbulb in the brooder)and no wattles yet. Thanks!! RIR#1 RIR #2 Also wondering if the few white feathers means that they are mixed? Maybe production reds?
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I'm leaning toward the first chick being a cockerel and the second chick being a pullet, but they're a little young to be sure. They do appear to be Production Reds, not heritage purebred Rhode Island Reds. Assuming they're pullets, you should get lots of brown eggs from them. :)
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I'm leaning toward the first chick being a cockerel and the second chick being a pullet, but they're a little young to be sure. They do appear to be Production Reds, not heritage purebred Rhode Island Reds. Assuming they're pullets, you should get lots of brown eggs from them. :)
I agree.

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