This one is throwing me for a loop. It has a short stubby tail and thick legs, but it is so much darker than the roo I had at this age - way less white on the face and chest. Also my roo had a massive tail at this age and larger comb. Thoughts?
This is the second sussex I've gotten from Meyer hatchery. The last one was supposed to be a girl and it's a boy. Could I possibly have this kind of luck to get two roos when they were both supposed to be hens?
FYI - here was my last roo at the same age here
This is the second sussex I've gotten from Meyer hatchery. The last one was supposed to be a girl and it's a boy. Could I possibly have this kind of luck to get two roos when they were both supposed to be hens?
FYI - here was my last roo at the same age here
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