I have 5 Easter Eggers and need to know which chicks are roos and which chicks are hens. NOTE: Each picture is a different chick none are the same.
I am new at all this, but to me #4 looks like the only rooster. I have some Olive Eggers just a little older than these, and I have one that has a comb that is very red and bigger like #4 and to me is also the "cockiest". Very pretty chicks, love the colors.
too young to be 100%, you should post in the what gender or breed am I area. There is an Entire thread on EE's that is hundreds of pages long and very active.
Thank you, any more thoughts would be great. I'm new to byc and i love it. By a chance can you post the link to the page your talking about @celticoaksfarm. m glad so far theres only one roo.