$5 Super Easy Efficiant 5+ Gallon Duck/Chicken Waterer


Free Ranging
6 Years
Sep 18, 2015
Hi y'all! First of all I'm going to tell ya this is a SUPER EASY waterer to make that's very cheap. Waterers can't get any simpler than this. It is very efficient and it only takes 4 materials and tools and any person can make it in a jiffy. Bedding can't get pushed into it because the holes are on the top. It is for adult ducks, chickens, and older ducklings and chicks that no longer need a brooder.

Materials: Sterilite 28 Qt clear storage tote with lid (Wal-Mart in store)


Tools: carpenter knife, marker or pencil, and a small plastic cup


How to make it: Put the lid on the clear tote and use the plastic cup and pencil or marker to trace as many circles as you want around the edge of the lid to mark where you are going to cut.


Cut out the circles with the carpenter knife; I had to push it in, kind of slide it a little, pull it out, and do it over again.


When you're finished cutting the holes, fill it with water and voila! $5 Super Easy Efficiant 5+ Gallon Duck/Chicken waterer!


Tip: You can get any length bin but the height needs to be about the same.
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I'm going to make one of those for my chickens! They keep pooping in their old water, and it's completely brown. Great idea!

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