5 week old baby chicken found dead

Maria Meunier

In the Brooder
Oct 21, 2018
San Jose, California
My new baby chickens were doing great until this morning. They are 5 weeks old and they have been spending time outside with our California warm days and coming in at night. Sadly this morning I found one of them had died sometime between 11 pm last night and 7 am this morning. It was warm out here yesterday so I had turned off their heat lamp for the night. The temperature was probably about 70 degrees in the cardboard box where I had the group of three. Her neck looked very bent backwards. Could it be that the other two chickens "cuddled" with her too much and her neck got broken?
Welcome to BackYard Chickens! I wish the situation was better :( it might have been that the "cuddled" her too much or maybe she tripped on something and fell??? Check the box for anything she could have tripped on, or maybe she died from a disease and just fell like that :hitI'm so sorry!:hugs
Thank you... no there was not anything in the box that she could have fallen from. She wasn't sick either... perfectly healthy the night before. She was also bigger than the other two so I don't see how they could have smashed her. She is the light colored one in the picture.

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