5 week old BO pullet's crop never feels full


May 9, 2020
Southern Ohio, US
Especially in the evenings, all of the other chicks' crops feel full, except this one. I really don't ever feel anything in there, but I've witnessed her eating and drinking. She acts just fine! She's one of the most loveable ones in the flock, seeking out your attention.
I just want to be sure there's nothing wrong.
Is she as big as the other chicks? Does she have the same amount of energy? Some birds are gluttons and will eat a lot more than others. Some birds like to eat early, and some will eat more later? Do they get late treats that maybe the others eat more of?
Maybe she's just watching her figure? Swimsuit season is almost upon us...

All joking aside, is she bottom of the pecking order, maybe? Just trying to think of anything that might be worrisome. She may just not stuff herself like your others.
Is she as big as the other chicks? Does she have the same amount of energy? Some birds are gluttons and will eat a lot more than others. Some birds like to eat early, and some will eat more later? Do they get late treats that maybe the others eat more of?
Thanks for your reply! She's very similar in size to 2 of the other girls, maybe a tiny bit lighter (when using the super precise measurement of picking one up in each hand to see if one feels heavier 😉), we have another girl who is definitely the biggest.
She seems to have the same amount of energy, and acts just like the other chicks!
I think you're right that she's just not stuffing herself the way the others do, because I've seen her at the feeder with the others first thing out of their coop in the morning and she's the first one usually to walk away while the others are still stuffing their faces. 😄
My husband says I worry too much...which is probably true! Lol
Maybe she's just watching her figure? Swimsuit season is almost upon us...

All joking aside, is she bottom of the pecking order, maybe? Just trying to think of anything that might be worrisome. She may just not stuff herself like your others.
Lol!! 😂 Too funny - I should probably follow her lead honestly! 🤣😂 lol!!

I worried about that, that maybe the others have been keeping her away from the food but I watched for a while and no one seems to be doing that. If she does get pushed, she will walk away, but I've not seen anyone actively chase her away.
I think you're probably right that she just eats differently than the others, and doesn't stuff herself. I'm just a worry wart! Poop looks normal, she acts fine, is very similar in size to the other girls (maybe a tiny bit lighter but not super significantly)....my husband says I will find something to worry about even if there's nothing there. 😆
Lol!! 😂 Too funny - I should probably follow her lead honestly! 🤣😂 lol!!

I worried about that, that maybe the others have been keeping her away from the food but I watched for a while and no one seems to be doing that. If she does get pushed, she will walk away, but I've not seen anyone actively chase her away.
I think you're probably right that she just eats differently than the others, and doesn't stuff herself. I'm just a worry wart! Poop looks normal, she acts fine, is very similar in size to the other girls (maybe a tiny bit lighter but not super significantly)....my husband says I will find something to worry about even if there's nothing there. 😆
Worriers unite! I'm the same way. You're probably an Overthinker and/or an Overanalyzer, too.

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